Solvd. Achieves Certification to ISO 9001:2015
Solvd. has achieved certification to ISO 9001:2015 for its provision of the following managed service solutions: Customer Experience, Payroll Solutions, Finance and Accounting Services and HR.
ISO 9001:2015 provides a recognized framework for a Quality Management System, which helps companies to demonstrate the ability to consistently supply services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
At Solvd., this will help to provide a better service for our clients and provide a solid foundation for growth.
Valerie Mitchell, Solvd. Managing Director said:
“Certification to ISO 9001:2015 reflects our dedication to quality, providing first class outsourced business processing services. It bring numerous benefits, including helping us to put people and culture at the heart of what we do, ensuring processes, policies and procedures are in place for operational planning and decision making.
Achieving this certification is a credit to everyone at Solvd. and clearly demonstrates our commitment to providing quality services to our clients. This is just the way we do business here at Solvd. The team should be proud of the challenging work that has gone into implementing a system that enables us to focus on innovation and growth for the future, building on a solid foundation.”